Respiratory Therapy
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Original papers and articles of any length are accepted, as well as works-in-progress. Our fast-track approval process insures that you’ll have an answer about the acceptance of your submission within a week of receipt. It is important that authors adhere to the following guidelines for timely processing of submissions.


The deadline for all submissions is sixty (60) days before the cover date. Contact the publisher for specific dates. If you anticipate that your submission will be late or if there is a problem with meeting your deadline, please contact the publisher or editor.


All papers (including product releases) should be submitted as e-mail. A backup copy of the article may be submitted as a manuscript. All copy should be sent to The manuscript should be an unformatted word document, (.doc or .rtf – no docx, or jpegs or pdfs for text, please). Figures, tables etc can be sent as a separate file in any format except docx or powerpoint, or embedded in the manuscript.

One e-mailed copy of the article will suffice. Figures and tables should be clearly marked. Any style may be used for text as well as for references, as long as it is consistent. We do not use ® or ™ marks in the journal, nor do we print company names in all CAPS unless they are acronyms. Please review your manuscript carefully, as we do not send out proofs prior to publication.

For companies or PR agencies submitting materials for clients, please be sure the material provided does not read like a product advertisement, or it will be rejected. Also, please include the client’s contact info, not yours. Our address for all editorial material is:

Goldstein & Associates
10940 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA
Tel: 310-443-4109
Fax: 310-443-4110

We look forward to your submission. Please call Steve Goldstein or Les Plesko if you have any questions.

All submissions become the copyrighted property of Respiratory Therapy upon publication unless other arrangements are made with the publisher. Receipt of any manuscript is not a guarantee, explicit or implicit, that an article will appear in the journal. Respiratory Therapy retains the right to edit all submitted material for clarity, style and length. Individuals or organizations submitting papers are responsible for the factual accuracy of contents.